The problem of varicose veins in women is one of the most common problems worldwide. This pathology appears in 80% of cases in women for several reasons - genetic predisposition, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight. When using an integrated approach, varicose veins on the legs in women are successfully treated - the main thing is to take all the necessary measures in time.
Causes of varicose veins
Experts identify some common causes of varicose veins:
- Hereditary predisposition is often transmitted through the female line - in 75% of cases in patients with varicose veins, relatives (grandmothers, mothers) have encountered the same problem. At the same time, varicose veins of the legs in women are not inherited, but congenital pathologies of the vein structure (weakness of vascular walls, inferior valves, etc. ) are observed.
- Often the cause of varicose veins in women is associated with an unbalanced rhythm of life. Constant wearing of high heels, sedentary work, lack of physical activity or overloading of the legs due to prolonged standing leads to a decrease in vascular tone and stagnation of blood in the veins. To compensate for this imbalance, the veins dilate, while women still experience swelling and a feeling of heaviness.
- Hormonal imbalance can also contribute to the development of varicose veins in women. This may be due to hormonal fluctuations from one menstrual cycle to another, use of oral contraception, etc.
- The appearance of varicose veins can be associated with pregnancy and childbirth. At this time, the constantly growing child compresses the pelvic veins, plus the amount of blood and hormones in the woman's body increases. Under the influence of such factors, women's pelvic ligaments become more elastic, and the extent of their veins and walls increases.
If a woman has problems with her veins before pregnancy, this can eventually affect her flow. Pregnant women with varicose veins are at risk of postpartum bleeding, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, and poor birth. Therefore, in case of any pathology of the veins or in the presence of a hereditary predisposition during pregnancy, it is necessary to be observed by a phlebologist.
Signs of varicose veins in women
From the point of view of modern phlebology, venous lesions take into account both any functional changes in the venous system, as well as long-term symptoms and signs that indicate the need for examination and treatment of patients. The list of symptoms of vein pathology includes pain, cramps, a feeling of heaviness, satiety, tingling and tiredness in the legs.
On the other hand, signs of vein damage include:
- venous reflux,
- telangiectasia,
- reticular veins,
- swelling,
- skin pigmentation,
- phlebeurism,
- venous ulcers.
Our numerous observations show that the symptoms of vein diseases can appear both in the early stages of the pathological process, significantly before the formation of venous reflux or varicose transformation, and significantly later.
In most cases, the early clinical manifestations of varicose veins are limited to telangiectasia or reticular varicose veins. Further worsening of venous hypertension, inflammatory changes in their walls and valves lead to the formation of a typical complex of symptoms:
- increased fatigue,
- heavy legs at the end of the day,
- pain,
- burning,
- cramps in calf muscles.
Due to pathological changes in the veins, hyperpigmentation of the skin progresses, lipodermatosclerosis with thinning of the skin and thickening of the subcutaneous fatty tissue is observed. Increased severity of trophic disorders is associated with the appearance of dry or weeping eczema and, ultimately, venous ulcers.
Varicose veins of the lower extremities are based on venous hypertension and inflammation in the system, which interfere with normal blood flow and cause disturbances in the microcirculatory bed. The main role in the development of hypertension is played by changes in the structure of the venous wall (collagen/elastin ratio) and the hormonal status of the organism, hemodynamic changes, congenital or acquired insufficiency of the valve apparatus.
Long-term hypertension leads to the formation of endothelial dysfunction, which is associated with the activation and adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells, increased by the production of anti-inflammatory mediators responsible for wall damage and the appearance of valve insufficiency; increased capillary permeability, as well as pain in the lower extremities. It is important to consider that in the absence of adequate treatment, the pathological process in the vascular bed progresses steadily.
What is varicose vein prevention?
Preventive measures in the fight against varicose veins have 2 goals.
First, it is to prevent the development of the disease in women who have a predisposition to it. If there is at least one risk factor for the appearance of varicose veins, then there is no need to wait for the appearance of ugly clusters on the legs, unpleasant symptoms and even more complications, if all this can be prevented. Secondly, in the case of existing varicose veins, prevention will help avoid the progression of the disease and the development of complications. In any of the two cases, preventive measures include the elimination of risk factors for the development of varicose veins and their minimization, which can only be achieved by changing some aspects of life:
- First of all, it is necessary to reduce the weight to normal through the correction of diet and exercise. When playing sports, it is better to give priority to exercises on exercise machines in a lying or supine position. Such training practically does not exert long-term stress on the superficial veins of the legs, but at the same time strengthens the muscles and improves blood circulation.
- Avoid prolonged stress on the legs - sitting, standing, lifting heavy objects. If such a regime is due to the peculiarities of a woman's work, then it is worth taking breaks as often as possible, doing special gymnastics, walking up and down the stairs.
- When resting or sleeping, you should keep your feet 15 cm higher than the level of your heart. Just use pillows or small pillows to achieve this position.
- Review your wardrobe. He should not wear clothing that restricts movement in the hips and shoulders, and shoes with heels higher than 4 cm or with flat soles. This does not mean that a woman should completely give up tight clothes and beautiful high-heeled shoes - just choose more comfortable clothes for everyday wear and leave the rest for special occasions.
- Lovers of exotic tanning should avoid regular visits to the solarium and prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Foot care is also important in preventing varicose veins. A cool shower with an emphasis on the feet and a nighttime foot and leg massage are helpful. In addition, you can use special massage baths and small massagers, cooling gel for the feet.
- A good prevention of varicose veins is elastic compression - special stockings, tights and knee socks. Under the influence of compression stockings, the speed of blood flow increases and the venous blockage disappears. The choice of knitted clothing should be carried out in strict accordance with special tables by a phlebologist.
What treatment is prescribed for women?
The modern treatment strategy for women with varicose veins is based on the use of an integrated approach aimed at reducing the negative impact of risk factors and changing lifestyle. In addition, various methods of surgical correction of venous pathology, laser therapy and sclerotherapy are widely used. With the help of such modern techniques, you can not only restore women's health, but also make their legs beautiful and light again thanks to aesthetic correction.
By contacting a phlebologist at a specialized medical center, you can get a complete diagnosis of the state of the venous system, comprehensive treatment of varicose veins and any other similar pathology using advanced techniques and equipment. Modern methods to get rid of problems with veins are designed to make the healing process fast, as effective as possible without consequences for women, painless and non-traumatic. Medical centers are designed to make women's lives healthy, and therefore happy. Be active, full of strength and energy and the specialists of any qualified clinic will help you with this.